
The proxy pattern

The proxy pattern is a structural pattern and is exactly what the pattern name states a proxy. The idea being if you need to proxy an object, say it uses a lot of resources, such as an image, file or remote call, you can use the proxy to allow access to the object's parameters and delay the larger call to process the resource unless necessary. A little like 'lazy loading', also to note is the proxy pattern is similar to the decorator pattern with both using the same interface but it's not used to add functionality but to prevent or delay functionality.
After that confusing statement lets show the proxy structure:
Proxy Structure

Doesn't really show much, so lets show some code:
abstract class Subject {
    protected string bigResource;

    public Subject(string bigResource) {
        this.bigResource = bigResource;
    public void InformationToConsole() {
        Console.WriteLine($"The resource is {bigResource}.");
    public abstract void Request();
Our abstract class above just takes the name/location of a resource and stores it. It also provides some information about the resource in the method InformationToConsole().
We implement our class and want to load the resource immediately:
class BigResourceEater : Subject {

    public BigResourceEater(string bigResource) : base(bigResource){

    public override void Request() {
        Console.Write("\r\nRequesting huge resource");
        // simulate handling large resource
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        Console.WriteLine($"\r\nThe huge resource is loaded {this.bigResource}.");
To avoid the large resource, maybe just to get information about the resource, we make a proxy:
class BigResourceEaterProxy : Subject {
    BigResourceEater bigResourceEater;

    public BigResourceEaterProxy(string bigResource) : base(bigResource){
        // Request(); this is missing as we don't want to load the huge resource

    public override void Request() {
        if (bigResourceEater == null) {
            bigResourceEater = new BigResourceEater(bigResource); // arghhh no DI!!!!
To test the code above:
static void Main(string[] args) {

    // we just want the information
    Subject bigResourceEater = new BigResourceEater("");

    Subject bigResourceEaterProxy = new BigResourceEaterProxy("");

The output to the console is:
Requesting huge resource.....
The huge resource is loaded
The resource is
The resource is


The proxy pattern is another pattern where I found it difficult to not produce a convoluted example, especially since we now have Asynchronous Programming, but I think the pattern is valid.


Design Patterns [GOF]
Pattern Hatching Vlissides
oodesign proxy pattern
tutorialspoint proxy pattern