
The interpreter pattern

The interpreter pattern is a behavioral pattern and used to interpret a simple language structure by having a class for every word of the language. Each word is either a terminal or nonterminal symbol, the terminal symbol can be a variable (X, Y...) and the nonterminal symbol an operator (multiply/add... or/and... or some other operator like Dirac <bra><kets>).
The interpreter pattern is quite complex and requires an abstract syntax tree which needs to be 'formed' by a parser which isn't included in the pattern.
The class structure of the pattern diagramatically is below:
Interpreter pattern structure

The diagram which is similar to the one in the book Design Patterns doesn't really show the complexity of the pattern but I've written an example in C# that should help understand the pattern.
Firstly, I'm planning on evaluating boolean expressions so, I defined the abstract class:
public abstract class BooleanExpression { // AbstractExpression

    public abstract bool Evaluate(Context context);

I then defined the class for the nonterminal symbols, inheriting from BooleanExpression:
public class VariableExpression : BooleanExpression { //Nonterminal
    private string variableName;

    public VariableExpression(string variableName) {
    public string getName (){
        return variableName;
    public override bool Evaluate(Context context) {
        return context.Lookup(variableName);

Next up are two terminal classes for a very simplified Boolean language, that just contain and and or (with and taking precedence), both classes inherit from BooleanExpression:
public class AndExpression : BooleanExpression {
    private BooleanExpression operand1;
    private BooleanExpression operand2;

    public AndExpression(BooleanExpression operand1, BooleanExpression operand2) {
    public override bool Evaluate(Context context) {
        return operand1.Evaluate(context) && operand2.Evaluate(context);

public class OrExpression : BooleanExpression {
    private BooleanExpression operand1;
    private BooleanExpression operand2;

    public OrExpression(BooleanExpression operand1, BooleanExpression operand2) {
    public override bool Evaluate(Context context) {
        return operand1.Evaluate(context) || operand2.Evaluate(context);
There's a great deal of code duplication but I'm going to let it pass as the classes are very simple.

You'll notice that the abstract class BooleanExpression's method Evaluate takes an argument Context this has a method Lookup which returns the Boolean value of a variable used in the current context, an example of an implementation would be:
public class Context {
    Dictionary variableExpressions;

    public Context() {
        variableExpressions=new Dictionary();
    public bool Lookup(string variableName) {
        return variableExpressions[variableName];
    public void Assign(VariableExpression variableExpression, bool b) {
        if (variableExpressions.ContainsKey(variableExpression.getName())) {
            variableExpressions[variableExpression.getName()] = b;
        } else {
            variableExpressions.Add(variableExpression.getName(), b);

And example of a test console application is:
static void Main(string[] args) {
    BooleanExpression booleanExpression;
    Context context = new Context();
    VariableExpression x = new VariableExpression("X");
    VariableExpression y = new VariableExpression("Y");
    VariableExpression z = new VariableExpression("Z");

    Context.Assign(x, true);
    context.Assign(y, false);
    context.Assign(z, true);

    Console.WriteLine($"Where X={x.Evaluate(context)}, Y={y.Evaluate(context)} and Z={z.Evaluate(context)}.");
    // make the abstract syntax tree (manually)
    booleanExpression = new AndExpression(x, new OrExpression(y, z));
    Console.WriteLine($"The outcome of X and (Y or Z) is {booleanExpression.Evaluate(context)}");

    booleanExpression = new AndExpression(x, new AndExpression(y, new OrExpression(x, z)));
    Console.WriteLine($"The outcome of X and (Y and (X OR Z)) is {booleanExpression.Evaluate(context)}");


The output of the console test:
Where X=True, Y=False and Z=True.
The outcome of X and (Y or Z) is True
The outcome of X and (Y and (X OR Z)) is False


The interpreter pattern is quite a complex pattern and for full implementation needs a parser that creates a syntax tree which consists of the tree of terminal and nonterminal symbols. These are evaluated by filling in the context and then calling Evaluate on the 'topmost' node (nonterminal symbol).


Design Patterns [GOF]
tutorialspoint interpreter
javapoint interpreter
abstract syntax tree